In any case, while both multi-billion dollar companies were crying over some form of greed, I couldn't help but to side with ABC. Here's my thing: I pay a fee to Optimum every month in exchange for a certain service. Cable TV. I don't care what the feud is; what I do care about is watching my programs, namely Lost, and if Optimum can't provide me with the means to view it, then it is Optimums foul. Regardless of ABC's demands, I didn't feel like it was my obligation to fight for my right to view TV. It's Optimums.

Regardless, ABC understood the possible repercussions of withholding the Oscars and succumbed to the pressure while they worked out a deal with Cablevision. While I still believe Optimum handled the situation poorly, ABC definitely realized the negative publicity surrounding the situation was extremely detrimental to both sides.
In my estimation, this was the right move. ABC took the high road, and whatever the outcome is with the contract situation, they ensured that I would get my product. For that, I believe ABC ultimately made the right move.
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