Notebook doodle!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Strawberry Alarm Clock -- Incense & Peppermints
MINE!!! - NM Incense & Peppermints (1968), $4.99 off eBay. This is me smiling.
I'm going to keep this one short and simple: Strawberry Alarm Clock was an amazing psychedelic rock band from LA that gained steam in the 1960's. The music is authentic sixties and reminds me of psych bands like Sagittarius and Fresh Air and more mainstream bands like the drug-induced Beatles era or early seventies Doors tunes.
In any case, Strawberry Alarm Clock's Incense and Peppermints is a classic album. Oh, and before I forget, my roommate reminded me that the title track appeared in Austin Powers, as the song that is being played when Powers enters the Electric Pussycat Swingers Club. Ya dig?
MSU Non-Profit PR Project
For the last few weeks, I've been assigned the responsibility, along with 3 other group members, to help a non-profit organization in the form of some kind of benefit/fundraiser scenario. My group has the opportunity to work with Little Kids Rock, a non-profit organization with locations spanning the country that is dedicated to donating instruments and installing music ed programs to schools that have been stripped of their music curriculum.
Being in local bands since my High School years, I totally understand the importance and influence music can have on someone's childhood. Furthermore, I myself would have much preferred a rock-band format music curriculum. LKR has told us that within a few sessions, they have full classrooms jamming out songs by teaching common chords, rhythms, and simple theory. Imagine how much more effort you would have put into your K-12 music classes if you were jamming out "Hotel California" instead of "Hot Cross Buns".
Anyway, without divulging too much information that is in the woodwork, our project is going well beyond what we had originally planned in nearly every aspect; we are going to raise more money, organization awareness, and help run an overall smoother event than we had initially aimed for.
I've enjoyed working with my group members and Keith from LKR. I'm looking forward to an awesome event, and I'll be posting confirmed updates here as the information rolls in.
Lastly, it's important to note that Erika from MSU's Class One Concerts has helped us out more than she probably realizes. She runs an awesome organization and deserves a lot of credit. Be sure to check out C1C's facebook page here.

I've enjoyed working with my group members and Keith from LKR. I'm looking forward to an awesome event, and I'll be posting confirmed updates here as the information rolls in.
Lastly, it's important to note that Erika from MSU's Class One Concerts has helped us out more than she probably realizes. She runs an awesome organization and deserves a lot of credit. Be sure to check out C1C's facebook page here.
Monster Match-Up: The Cagefight Between ABC and Cablevision

In any case, while both multi-billion dollar companies were crying over some form of greed, I couldn't help but to side with ABC. Here's my thing: I pay a fee to Optimum every month in exchange for a certain service. Cable TV. I don't care what the feud is; what I do care about is watching my programs, namely Lost, and if Optimum can't provide me with the means to view it, then it is Optimums foul. Regardless of ABC's demands, I didn't feel like it was my obligation to fight for my right to view TV. It's Optimums.

Regardless, ABC understood the possible repercussions of withholding the Oscars and succumbed to the pressure while they worked out a deal with Cablevision. While I still believe Optimum handled the situation poorly, ABC definitely realized the negative publicity surrounding the situation was extremely detrimental to both sides.
In my estimation, this was the right move. ABC took the high road, and whatever the outcome is with the contract situation, they ensured that I would get my product. For that, I believe ABC ultimately made the right move.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Music To Get You Through The Freakin' Week, pt. II
Ted Leo & The Pharmacists - The Brutalist Bricks (2010)
I like this in five words (or less) because: Catchy, diverse, happy and loud
Favorite songs: Bottled Up In Cork, Where Was My Brain, Mourning In America
For fans of: Punk rock through the eyes of an on-the-verge pop innovator / Elvis Costello ethos in 2010 music / good, fun music
Gorillaz - Plastic Beach (2010)
I like this in five words (or less) because: Smart, poppy, groovin' and classic
Favorite songs: Some Kind Of Nature (Lou Goddamn Reed!), On Melancholy Hill, Plastic Beach
For fans of: Damon Albarn, Blur and Kylie Minogue musically fornicating, Hip-Pop.
Flake Music - When You Land Here, It's Time To Return (1997)
I like this in five words (or less) because: Creative songwriting with minimal production
Favorite songs: Spanway Hits, The Shins, Blast Valve
For fans of: The Shins, Built To Spill, Weezer
Note: I listened to this blindly; it came on my iPod and I had no idea who it was... but I loved it. Once I discovered that it was the precursor band to The Shins, I actually decided to give The Shins a real, fair chance. I found that I truly love this album and the work the Shins would go on to create in the years to follow. I never liked The Shins until I was tricked into liking them. Funny how the world works.
I like this in five words (or less) because: Catchy, diverse, happy and loud
Favorite songs: Bottled Up In Cork, Where Was My Brain, Mourning In America
For fans of: Punk rock through the eyes of an on-the-verge pop innovator / Elvis Costello ethos in 2010 music / good, fun music
Gorillaz - Plastic Beach (2010)
I like this in five words (or less) because: Smart, poppy, groovin' and classic
Favorite songs: Some Kind Of Nature (Lou Goddamn Reed!), On Melancholy Hill, Plastic Beach
For fans of: Damon Albarn, Blur and Kylie Minogue musically fornicating, Hip-Pop.
Flake Music - When You Land Here, It's Time To Return (1997)
I like this in five words (or less) because: Creative songwriting with minimal production
Favorite songs: Spanway Hits, The Shins, Blast Valve
For fans of: The Shins, Built To Spill, Weezer
Note: I listened to this blindly; it came on my iPod and I had no idea who it was... but I loved it. Once I discovered that it was the precursor band to The Shins, I actually decided to give The Shins a real, fair chance. I found that I truly love this album and the work the Shins would go on to create in the years to follow. I never liked The Shins until I was tricked into liking them. Funny how the world works.
Monday, March 8, 2010
I Spy...
Care to play? Lets see what you can find! Leave your discoveries in the comment section.
"No Mistakes"
Random Doodle, Notebook Sketch -- Illustration Fall 2009 / Color Spring 2010
FOR THOSE INTERESTED: This was originally a one-color, black pen ink doodle that graced the back of my MSU Fall 2009 notebook. I decided to scan it into my computer and see what I could do with it. Instead of sticking to a color scheme, I decided to do the opposite; add as much color as possible without regard to palettes and/or traditional color rules. In the end, I pretty much got the look I was going for.
When I was a youngin', my Grandpa, Papa Paul, would tell me of his glory days; the days where he would work in NYC with a bevy of artists and creative people. His favorite of all, however, was the renowned Peter max. Papa Paul would tell me stories of hangin' in Max's studio and the immense amount of creativity that would come to him. He told me about a huge, revolving pen-holder that literally held THOUSANDS of pens in every color and every shade. When Max (and Papa Paul, depending on the accuracy of my 'Pas story) would work, they held no boundaries -- simply put, illustrate anything and add as much color as your heart desired. In a way, this is how I tackled this project... no holds barred and as much color as I could fit. It's Peter Max for the punker.
If you have never seen Max's work before, I suggest you check it out. It is just the type of cheery art that will complement the cheery weather we're having today.
My Aim Is True -- Graphic Odds and Ends
These pieces are some of my favorites from the fledgling days of my band, My Aim Is True.
You're Just Catching Up (Free EP)
That's all for now, folks.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Scary, Scary Media?
As of late, many of my MSU assignments have had me, in one way or another, open communications with various media outlets. While it is sometimes frightening (because hey, let’s face it: a bad conversation can get you blacklisted from an organization), I’ve pretty much come to the realization that with adequate preparation and a friendly attitude, communicating/working with the media isn’t really that scary at all.
However, I’d have to say the scariest part of working with the media has to be opening the lines of communication… aka, the first e-mail, phone call, etc. Really, the “fear” comes from the unknown; we don’t know who to expect, what kind of personality the voice on the other line holds, or exactly what these people want to hear. So yeah, while that can be quite scary and all, its definitely important to recognize the purpose of the call in the first place: to successfully “sell” whatever it is you have in an effective, efficient and concise manner.
Basically, what I’m trying to say is that, regardless of our irrelevant fears, life is going to force us to become effective communicators. Most of our futures will rely on similar types of skills. So while working with the media isn’t as easy as brushing your teeth, it shouldn’t be as scary as those “I’m naked and talking to a room full of people” dreams…
…or whatever.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Le Sang Song - S/T (2010) || Album Review
Le Sang Song -- Le Sang Song (2010)
"Cause livin' on the edge can tend to make you lean"
MARCH 3, 2010
Le Sang Song. Yeah, that's the name of this band... and there's not much more to know. After looking at his 'space, this was all the information I could gather: from Seattle, has lots of sunglasses and he's wrote a few songs. He doesn't have a show booked nor does he make any other "obvious" information available.
After some digging, I found that Le Sang Song is the one-man solo project of Craig Chambers. Chambers plays minimalistic, french-pop influenced folk rock. Whatever you may be thinking to this point, know this: Le Sang Song is completely endearing and surprising as well. On this album, Chambers attempts to do two things: create unadulterated, raw, classic folk rock and dabble within the realms of french psych-pop without officially changing his name to Serge.
Songs like Death vs. The Rich, War and The One create a certain authentic folk feel and atmosphere. The raw, natural reverbs and mixture of acoustic and fuzz guitars create a wall of sound that is almost reminiscent of Paint It Black era 'Stones. This isn't to say Le Sang Song sounds like The Rolling Stones (See: 40 seconds in to War); more along the lines of, Chambers created a lo-fi, folky solo act and is unafraid to flaunt his roots while doing some experimenting of his own.
Additionally, songs like Hot Reggae, Ring Ring, and even No Love are more along the lines of minimalistic (not in quality, in progression), are examples of the type of "pop" songs Chambers could produce (I say "pop" because I don't really mean Pop -- this ain't Justin Bieber). Catchy, dark and light alike, and enjoyably challenging. Ring Ring definitely has a very french pop feel, at about :50 seconds into the song, it almost sounds as if hes singing in french, along the lines of Mr. Gainsbourg himself.
After analyzing what I thought was Le Sang Songs main motive -- creating two genre-fied types of songs (knowingly or unknowingly) -- I then realized that this album is actually a pretty cohesive work and it should be viewed as a whole. Sure, the sounds definitely jump around, changing moods at the end of a track, but the ethic and feel of the album runs rampant throughout. The change of style only enhances Chambers ability to create differing, creative and unique songs.
I love this album. I really hope this guy decides to continue Le Sang Song and/or play a show (preferably, in the Tri-State area... though, that may be pushing it).
Monday, March 1, 2010
Why So Serious?
About two years too late... but I figured I might as well post this for fellow Bat-fans.
Heath Ledger "Joker" Sketch (2008)
Design By Rob Baranoff
Feel Free
To contact me if you need any design work (print, illustration, etc.):
Rippin' off Costello. Story of my life!
The Cake That Ate The Baker
I made this in 2009 and it was intended to be a shirt design. Never went into production, but I figured I'd let it see the light of day here.
The Cake That Ate The Baker (2009)
Design by Rob Baranoff
Adobe Illustrator,
Graphic Design,
To Kill The King
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