As a Knicks fan, welcome arms quickly turned up-in-arms late Thursday night. I've been following LeBron's every move pretty extensively for the past few years, and all I have to say is this:

Lebron, if I were you, I wouldn't turn down the opportunity to play with Bosh and Wade either. However, thats because I fear failure, and thus, would need the crutch of two other super-talents. Logically speaking, we all assumed you wanted to broaden your brand and prove to the world you were good enough to win on your own. Basically; to be able to improve the players around you, form some extreme team chemistry, and win it all. Imagine the satisfaction in that? Its at least 110.1% times sweeter than winning it with the dream team. Its what a guy named Jordan did, and its why he will always be the real King.
p.s. Sure, he had Pippen. But LeBron had Jamison and chose not to deal with a supporting star. LeWimp needed not one, but TWO superstars to truly make him feel at home. Good luck. The rest of the world is rooting against ya'll.