Thursday, April 15, 2010


Made this super creepy shirt design for my roommate's band, Sherazada. Admit it, clowns still scare you, even when they are plastered onto a sharp seafoam green.

I Guess I Do Love Myself...

...a little too much? Heh, no, its not like that. This one was just an innocent experiment with graffiti type  accidentally turned into shamelessself-centered promotion... not the other way around. Whatever, its my damn blog and I'll post what I want! YEAH!!!

...sorry for raising my voice. Its not you, its me.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Tuesday, April 20th -- J. COLE @ MSU

Feel free to print, copy and re-post.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Recent Doodles

Monday, April 19th -- Person L @ MSU

Kenny Vasoli of The Startling Line's new band. If you are around, you should definitely come out to this show -- plus, it's only $5 for MSU students!

Reality-Actors and The Hyper-Awareness of Constructed Personalities

(note: wrote this essay for my seminar in mediated communication class... however, its an interesting topic considering our culture's general fascination in reality-celebrities and such. The essay is a response to a chapter that my professor had published in a book called Film and Television Stardom)